The impact of our scholarship students summer experience is often best said in their own words:
“The most life changing experience that I had while in Tanzania was being able to see how just spending quality time with the people you love and care about can change your perspective in made me want to learn about everywhere. These children and the trip as a whole has changed my perspective on life in general giving me a reason to want to learn more and express my feeling in a greater manifestation.”
“I was challenged in every way, saw an incredible country and its amazing culture, and made lifelong friends, all the while following two leaders who were the best role models anyone could ever ask for.”
“The experience I had gave me courage.”
“This trip will be something I will never forget. I thank you so much for helping me receive this opportunity... I will be forever grateful that somebody somewhere thought that I was something special enough to do all this for, and if that doesn’t give me so much confidence...I don’t know what will! ”
“In the end, it all came down to the small moments: tea with the group after dinner, washing dishes in the cold, howling with the wolves, hiking that last peak with everyone cheering you on, or kneeling in old cow manure with a friend in the dark as we try to win a game of capture the flag.”
“I usually don’t specifically reach out to summer programs when our students come home. However, after talking to Julie yesterday, I really want to say thank you. I’ve never seen her more confident or happy in the two and a half years I’ve been working with her. She told me her experience was like finding a family in which she could fully be herself and that she immediately felt “at home” when she met her group—something she has struggled with for a lot of her life. It sounds like her instructors were amazing and her time at mission wolf was absolutely healing and magical. Thank you for providing such a wonderful trip where Julie could grow while feeling safe and happy. Many thanks.”
“I want to take a moment to tell you thank you. Arjahn had a wonderful experience in San Francisco that will forever change her life and thought processes. I already see a positive change in her and her level of maturity has leaped tremendously.”
“My biggest accomplishment was rediscovering the type of person I was and still am…..I learned I do not let anything knock me down or keep me from accomplishing my goals. This trip helped me get back on track because I was losing myself and my path, but this trip saved me.”
“Diving in the tranquil waters of Belize, I found a place where I could grow. The irregularities of being underwater showed me that there is so much more to the world than what lies at the surface. I no longer felt scared or restricted, because I had the audacity to be who I wanted.”
“Be ready to be out your comfort zone. Be ready to be extremely dirty. Be ready to experience nature in an amazing and participatory way. And more importantly, be ready to absorb all the greatness, awareness, and introspection that comes from only visiting Tanzania.”
“I am so grateful for what this experience taught me about Costa Rican culture, work ethic, playfulness...and myself!”
“This journey has come to an end but it is a perfect introduction to the rest of my life.”
“Because of my experience, i’ve matured. I’ve realized that Mother Nature is beautiful and that we have to take care of her, before it’s too late. This trip has inspired me to travel and met new places. This trip, it molded me to a whole new person. And for that, I am eternally grateful.”
“By helping to put the finishing touches on Ms. Johnson’s house in the lower 9th ward we could actually see her house coming alive! I learned that even by doing the littlest things I can make a great difference in someone else’s life.”
“Visiting Machu Picchu, was an amazing and uplifting experience. I’ve saved moments about this experience that I will never share, but what I will share is the fact that it makes me want to go back as soon as I get the chance!”
“All I can say is that Ecuador seriously changed my life. Now I’m treating every day as if it were an adventure! All the little things I used to take for granted I’m no longer overlooking. My trip was truly an amazing experience.”
“Prepare for the difficulties. They are there. But also be prepared to have the time of your life and meet people who will change you forever.”
“Being so absorbed in nature with people who loved and understood me, was more than I could ever ask for. A lot of the time in the big world we are constantly struggling to complete things with authentic integrity and hard work because of all the constant distractions, but when I was on the island I was able just to make mistakes understand them and try again and do things with purpose and understanding.”